If you are experiencing an emergency, please call 911 or report to your local ER. If you would like to speak directly to an alcoholic please email us using the form at the bottom of the page, we will reply within 24 hours but usually much quicker.
Contact our trusted servants via their email addresses or use the form below to email our Technology Chair directly for issues with the website. Click the links below each title for more information about the positions; to ensure that your emails are responded to properly by the correct correct committee, please make sure you email the correct chair who handles your question. If you are unsure, the technology chair would be more than happen to direct your email for you.
DCM: dcm@aanc52.org
DCM stands for “District Committee Member” and they serve as the representative for District 52 at the area (state) level. The DCM attends area committee meetings and assemblies throughout the year, relaying information between the area and district levels, voting on measures that require the input of the districts, as well as leading the district business meetings. DCMs assist the Delegate in hosting pre-conferences once a year throughout the state to help inform members at large of the topics being discussed in the AA service structure. There are various additional tasks that occur at the area level that are explained to and carried out by the DCM once they attend their committee meetings. The DCM is a two year term with a two year sobriety requirement, DCMs typically have previously served as GSR to a group or committee chair at the district level.
The DCM should be contacted for any concerns that involve the district as a whole, questions/concerns about district policy, or items that need to be added to the district’s business meeting agenda.
Alt-DCM: altdcm@aanc52.org
The Alternate DCM is responsible to filling in for the DCM when they are unable to attend to their duties. They attend the committee meetings and assemblies, voting when the DCM is not present and otherwise assist the DCM in their responsibilities. The Alt-DCM also maintains the group registration lists for the district and conveys that information to the area and national levels. The Alt-DCM is a two year term with a two year sobriety requirement and an expectation to stand for DCM when their term is over.
The Alt-DCM should be contacted if the DCM is unavailable or for changes to a group’s information such as meeting location, time, GSR/Alt-GSR, etc.
Treasurer: treasurer@aanc52.org
The treasurer maintains the financial records of the district. They are responsible for paying bills from district funds, collecting contributions, and outlining the yearly budget to be voted on by the district.
The treasurer should be contacted if you are an AA member and would like to contribute to the district or if your group would like to contribute. Since AA is self-supporting, we do not accept donations from non-AA members. Contributions can also be mailed to: PO Box 4573 Pinehurst, NC 28374
Secretary: secretary@aanc52.org
The secretary is responsible for note taking during district business meetings and distributing copies of meeting minutes to GSRs, district officers, and committee chairs.
The secretary should be contacted if you would like copies of business meeting minutes.
Technology Chair: technology@aanc52.org
The Technology Chair is responsible for maintaining and updating the district website in collaboration with the webmaster. The Technology chair also coordinates with Sandhills Intergroup and local groups to record speakers in the district for use online.
The Technology Chair should be contacted immediately if there is a technical issue with the website. Events or news involving groups in the area should be forwarded to the Technology chair so they can be added to the site as well as changes to the meeting schedule; meeting schedule changes should be sent to the meeting schedule chair as well. In addition, suggestions for the site are appreciated.
Treatment Chair: treatment@aanc52.org
The Treatment Chair facilitates communication between local groups and entities in the area who are involved in the medical field. Treatment is focused on connecting people suffering from alcoholism with members of AA directly in places such as detoxes, treatment centers, out patient clinics, etc. The Chair also distributes information on AA to such places and offers groups guidance on how they can better carry the message of recovery to alcoholics who still suffer.
The Treatment Chair should be contacted if you or your group would like more information on carrying the message to treatment facilities in your area. If you are a professional in these fields and would like more information on how AA cooperates with the professional community, please contact our CPCPI Chair below.
CPCPI Chair: cpcpi@aanc52.org
CPCPI stands for “Cooperation with the Professional Community and Public Information” and it is responsible for sharing the AA message with professionals who may come into contact with potential alcoholics. CPCPI distributes information indirectly to alcoholics by providing lawyers, doctors, emergency responders, educators, counselors, etc with information about what AA is and how they can effectively refer someone they believe is alcoholic to AA. We believe that these professionals come into contact with far more alcoholics in their careers than we could ever hope to and many in our fellowship attended their first meeting under the instruction of a concerned professional. The CPCPI Chair also works with local groups to provide AA member’s contact information to professionals.
The CPCPI Chair should be contacted if you or your group would like to learn more about cooperating with professionals in your area to spread the message of recovery. If you are a professional and would like more information please reach out to the CPCPI Chair as well.
Corrections Chair: cfc@aanc52.org
The Corrections Chair coordinates the District’s involvement in prisons, jails, and other correctional institutions. The chair relays information between the groups and helps advise groups interested in carrying meetings into these facilities.
The Corrections Chair should be contacted if you or your group is interested in carrying the message of recovery to those incarcerated in these facilities. This is an area in which there is always a need to volunteers.
Grapevine Representative: grapevine@aanc52.org
The AA Grapevine is AA’s Meeting in Print. It is collections of articles and stories written by AA members in hopes that their individual messages of recovery will help those to are still suffering. These monthly publications are of particular importance to incarcerated members of AA who may go weeks or months without seeming members outside the walls of their institutions. For more information visit The A.A. Grapevine.
The Grapevine Representative provides groups with information on how to purchase Grapevine subscriptions and encourage the sale of AA’s Meeting in Print.
The Grapevine Representative should be contacted if you or your group would like more information on what Grapevine is and how to purchase subscriptions.
Meeting Schedules Chair: meetings@aanc52.org
The Meeting Schedule Chair is responsible to maintaining and printing the physical meeting schedule for the district. The master copy of the district schedule is also maintained by the Chair. Distribution of the schedules is handled by individual members and groups.
The Meeting Schedule Chair should be contacted if there is a change to a meeting’s time, type, location, or name or if a new meeting is formed in the district; changes should also be sent to the technology chair so the website can reflect these changes and to the Alt-DCM to update the official record.
AA Hotline: (910) 420-9628
The AA Hotline is a number you may call if you believe you have a drinking problem or find information for a loved one who you might thank has a drinking problem.
Call when you feel you have a desire to stop drinking, find a meeting near you or to learn more information about Alcoholics Anonymous.